Houses Burning, Bands Playing, Trixie DVD

Trixie DVD is a label started by Fugazi's Brendan Canty. The label makes movies - live performance videos - featuring indie bands from various places. The other interesting element of each of these videos (called Burn To Shine 01, 02, etc.) is that the house that the bands perform in is set for demolition. At the end of the video they show the house being torn down. A comment on mortality, the transient nature of things, just a cool art concept? I don't know, perhaps all of the above. I saw their first DVD - featuring bands from DC area, and it was excellent. Go here to learn more.

On an indie/DIY filmmaker interest note, Trixie can be a model for us. Just make the movie, make it available through the web site, get it to retailers who would have it. Then you can of course set up some theatrical screenings (at actual movie theaters or any other venues) to promote the movie & the DVD. Completely avoiding Hollywood & Indiewood gatekeepers & also no doubt making some much needed cash for the current/future projects/the prod & distro work, getting the project out with the power of a web site, DVDs & some screenings. Of course you would have to do press - blogging, submitting the DVD for reviews, etc. But you've got to do press & publicity work no matter how a film is released. Look into it baby, look into it.
