In the order that their fully formed & detailed (at least around 1 page long) manifestos, musings, thoughts & strategies re: self-distribution appeared on the web w/ in the last 6 months:
Sujewa Ekanayake (yup, that would be me),
related: interview that states reasons & clarifies plans re: current distro project
related: The DIY 2005 Film Movement
current distro project: Date Number One, 2006 film
David Lowery
current project (production): The Outlaw Son
Caveh Zahedi (thanks GreenCine Daily for the link!),
current distro project: I Am A Sex Addict, 2005 film
Sujewa Ekanayake (yup, that would be me),
related: interview that states reasons & clarifies plans re: current distro project
related: The DIY 2005 Film Movement
current distro project: Date Number One, 2006 film
David Lowery
current project (production): The Outlaw Son
Caveh Zahedi (thanks GreenCine Daily for the link!),
current distro project: I Am A Sex Addict, 2005 film